Technology Transfer, Piloting & Plant Trials of Developed Processes

Technology Transfer, Piloting and Plant Trials of Developed Processes

Technology Transfer, Piloting & Plant Trials of Developed Processes

To be successful in this field, integration of a Chemical Engineer at the beginning of the project is as important as the waste stream treatment technologies that one needs to develop for all the effluents that the developed technology would deliver in production. To ensure “First time Right” in the production during “Technology Transfer”, every stage in a Process Development is critical and needs to be undertaken in a disciplined manner (Observations and records).

“InnovaSMART®” by way of its expertise in Project Management will impart the right kind of discipline in the Tech Transfer team as well as in R&D. Recording observations in R&D, creation of Technology Development Document (TDD) will be guided and monitored for the quality of input by the respective team members. Challenging experiments (ex. What if types of experiments), safety studies (related to both Product as well as Processes) will be facilitated by InnovaSMART® team.  Besides contributing to HAZOP meetings, InnovaSMART® team will also provide guidance during the actual Tech Transfer steps.